lift a ban

美 [lɪft ə bæn]英 [lɪft ə bæn]
  • 解除禁令
lift a banlift a ban
  1. in the coming weeks , leaders of the sport 's global governing body will decide whether to lift a ban ahead of this summer 's Olympics in Rio de Janeiro .


  2. Earlier this month , India decided to lift a ban on foreign direct investment from Pakistan .


  3. In his weekly radio address , the president again called on opposition lawmakers to lift a ban on more off-shore oil drilling and make permanent his record tax cuts .


  4. Beijing launched anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations into imports of US chicken products yesterday in a snub to conciliatory actions from US lawmakers , who plan to lift a ban on imports of Chinese poultry products .


  5. In an effort to repair frayed ties with America , Mr Lee agreed in April to lift a ban on imports of American beef , which were suspended in2003 after the discovery of mad-cow disease among cattle .


  6. The U.S.Congress voted to lift a long-standing ban on Americans traveling to cuba .


  7. With Americans paying record-high gasoline prices , President Bush says it is time for lawmakers to lift a 27-year ban on offshore drilling .


  8. News that the Chinese securities regulator is set to lift a ten-month ban on initial public offerings has got western investment bankers sitting up straight and adjusting their ties .


  9. A robotic hand - which can beat any human challenger at rock , paper , scissors - has thrust Tokyo university into one of its biggest ethical dilemmas since the second world war : should Japanese academics lift a 70-year ban and exploit such technology to build weapons ?


  10. Unfortunately , a full month has passed since I called on Congress to lift a similar legislative ban , and Congress has done nothing .


  11. George Perkovich of the Carnegie Endowment , a think tank , says Pakistan should lift its veto on a ban on the production of fissile materials for bombs .
